Kansas Department of Revenue
The Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) is a cabinet-level department of the state government of Kansas. It is headquartered in the state capital of Topeka. The KDOR is responsible for the collection of taxes as well as valuing property, and the wholesale distribution of alcoholic beverages and enforcement of liquor laws. Also the department oversees the administration of motor vehicle registrations, issues motor vehicle and trailer titles, maintains vehicle title and registration records, licenses and monitors Kansas vehicle dealers. [1]
Agency Mission
"Kansas Department of Revenue collects taxes and fees, administers Kansas tax laws, issues a variety of licenses and provides assistance to Kansas citizens and units of government." [2]
Agency Philosophy
"The Kansas Department of Revenue is committed to hard work every day for the people of Kansas; to treat our taxpayers, our employees, and each other with respect; to conduct business with integrity, fairness and civility; and to be held accountable for our efforts. We will collect taxes and fees, fairly, cheerfully, accurately and efficiently." [2]
External links